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Business intelligence system for your company
Power BI, Tableau, IRIS BI
We will help automate the analytics process and integrate the service with your CRM

We will select the right BI system for your company

We integrate the analytics system into your processes and teach you how to use it

We will provide technical support if you have any difficulties

Reports that build themselves... in seconds
If you are still confused you should watch the video!
Implementation process
We will prepare a system for your business with your minimum participation:
Step 1
Step 1
Solution selection
We provide you consultation, We advise on issues of your interest, find out your needs & offer a solution that works best for you.
Step 2
Step 2
Source integration
Let's set up the collection of initial information from the necessary sources so that the data for reports enters Power BI without the participation of employees.
Step 3
Step 3
Model Building
We set up data analytics, information is displayed on user-friendly color themed data visualization dashboards. We customize the appearance for your convenience, to suit your corporate style, colors and design.
Step 4
Step 4
Design & Launch
Let's put the system into operation.
Step 5
Step 5
We'll train you and your employees to use the system.
DeepSeeWeb (DSW) Commercial Support
Our company provides comprehensive technical support to ensure smooth operation of DeepSeeWeb in your organization. Our experienced team delivers timely and effective solutions to any issues or questions.
More detailed
The main advantages of DeepSeeWeb
DeepSeeWeb is an advanced web-based interface for InterSystems IRIS BI, offering a smooth transition from the DeepSee Zen interface. It provides an intuitive design, seamless integration, and optimal performance for data analytics and visualisation
  • 1
    User-friendly, responsive interface
  • 2
    Customisable charts and graphs for data vizualization
  • 3
    Real-time data analysis and interactivity
  • 4
    Sharable dashboards and reports for collaboration
  • 5
    Simplified maintenance and updates via the web-based platform
Make an appointment for a consultation
We will provide you with DeepSeeWeb Support
Why do customers trust us?
We analyze your business and select the system that will solve exactly your tasks.
Power BI analytics will allow you to collect and evaluate indicators in real time, and we will make sure that the integration is
We cooperate with an international company one of the most popular Database and Analytics Software Developer
Our company is the Winner of the international competition of business intelligence systems from InterSystems - we outperformed our competitors by a margin of 2.7 times
We will provide you with our certificates: a marker of professionalism and a guarantee of the quality of the service provided
Sign up for a free consultation
Have a question?
Our managers will talk about the Power BI analytics system and other tools at a free consultation.
You only need to fill out the form below.
We'll show you how Power BI makes it easy to work with data in your company.
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